NY 24 Katko
John Katko (R) represents New York’s 24th congressional district where over 71,000 individuals, including 8,000 children, receive their health care coverage through the state exchange for Obamacare (ACA) and Medicaid expansion. Katko voted No to the HR3 Budget Resolution to begin the process of ACA repeal. We thank him and support his courage to stand up for what is right. We hope he continues his efforts to strengthen health care for all Americans.
NY-24 includes all of Cayuga, Onondaga, and Wayne counties and the western part of Oswego County. Its largest city is Syracuse.
In the Presidential race, Hillary Clinton won this district by 3.7%. In the House race, Katko(R) beat his opponent by 63,000 votes, helped in large part by some 37,000 Hillary voters crossing over.
A switch of 31,500 votes (half of 63,000) would defeat Katko in 2018. We can mobilize 100,000 Health Votes to reinforce Rep. Katko’s efforts, or should he backtrack, defeat him 1n 2018.
The Health Vote coalition in his district comprises:
- 37,000 crossover Hillary votes
- 38,000 ACA/NY exchange votes
- 25,000 Medicaid Expansion votes
- Total Health Vote: 100,000
With 100,000 Health Votes versus the 31,500 needed to defeat him, Katko’s Vulnerability Ratio is 3.2 (highly vulnerable).
ACT NOW. Tweet, Post to his Facebook page, Call, Fax, Write or E-mail Rep. Katko NOW.
John Katko (R) NY 24
DC Office
1620 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-3701
(202) 225-4042 Fax
Syracuse Office
440 S. Warren St, Suite 711
Syracuse NY 13202
(315) 423-5657
(315) 423-5604 Fax
email: Contact Katko (hard) or democracy.io (easy)
Twitter: @RepJohnKatko
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RepJohnKatko/
Cut-and-paste suggested letter/email/Fax (personalizing helps):
Dear Honorable Representative Katko:
Congratulations on your recent election victory by a margin of 63,000 votes. And thank you for your vote against HR3 Budget Resolution to begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act.
I am writing to you to provide reinforcement for your future votes regarding the ACA.
A vote to repeal the ACA will be jeopardizing the health and finances of over 71,000 of your constituents, including 8,000 children.
We hope you will do the right thing by your constituents and be a voice for their ongoing health and financial well-being by continuing to vote against ACA repeal.
(Your name here)
Data Sources:
NYT 2016 House Election Results
Daily Kos Presidential Election Results by Congressional District
US DHHS: Compilation of State Data on the ACA 2016
NY State of Health: County Level Enrollment February 2017
HealthInsurance.org: New York Marketplace news
Kaiser Family Foundation Total Monthly Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment